Because Monday looms like Michael Myers standing in your driveway.
The Sunday Scaries is slang for the anxiety or melancholy you get on Sundays (usually on Sunday nights) before that foreboding Monday morning creature skulks in to gobble up all of the village children. Also, it's when you have to go back to work or school. For many, it's also that time when you morph back into your lesser, more confined or reserved self. If you're an extroverted introvert ("Present!" * raises hand *) then you essentially live a double life–and slip back into your "real" skin the moment your car curb-checks the school or office parking lot on Friday afternoon.
Essentially, each Sunday the false half of your double-life begins to rear its ugly wig, causing the whole day to be sabotaged at the thought of Monday's inevitability. In summary, on Sunday nights, the thoughts of Monday morning are like Michael Myers standing in the floodlight of my driveway.
People'ing is hard
Luckily I work from home these days, which is a much nicer contrast to the amount of people'ing my work life once required. But trust me, I dragged my sack of bones into an office for many, many years. And as I clacked along the pavement towards the door every Monday morning, there's a wave of apathy that washes over your body as you say to yourself, "Oh my God, I am about to have to people so hard at the water cooler in approximately 5...4...3...2..".
"Gooooood morrrrning everyone!!" huge smile
However, all of this to say that although I am in a much nicer place in life and in my career and in my overall mental and emotional happiness than I once was, the feeling still approaches at each week's end all the same. It's like clockwork each Sunday as I am trying to enjoy a nice sunset over the lake while throwing the ball around with Penny, my Catahoula Leopard Dog. Or sipping wine in my backyard to Hall & Oates while I kick my bare feet up on the table. So how do we remedy this?
Let's take back Sundays
To take back our Sundays we must tackle our demons head on and embrace the Sunday Scaries if we ever plan to conquer them. Let's make it a choice to overcome them each Sunday night rather than leave it to fate. And let's be as cool about it as The Fonz is when he kicks the jukebox into working again.
So, in the spirit of getting our groove back Stella style, and overcoming our lesser joys or anxieties each week, I created a fun, new collection of clothing, meant to be worn on Sundays and hopefully infuse a sense of whimsy or joy into your day. The new Sunday Scaries Collection can now be found in the Prettygoods shop, and the product description on each item in the collection reads:
Designed as part our "Sunday Scaries Collection," which aims to dispel the anxiety you get on Sundays before work or school on Monday–through use of comfortable wardrobe staples in vibrant, unique, and joy-stricken prints and textiles.

Until then
Because we are all in this together, because misery loves company, and because I simply love a good laugh, if you write your funniest thought or moment related to your own Sunday Scaries experiences down in the comments below, I will give you 15% off your next cart in the Prettygoods shop.
I hope you enjoy the collection and I hope the prints and patterns strike joy in your heart rather than fear; and be sure to follow us on social media for more of all things Prettygoods.