You're welcome in advance.
Many moons ago, I had a summer fling with a boy from Alaska. I don't know exactly why the Alaska part is relevant, except to say that it gives credence to the "cure" part. I feel like weird things come out of Alaska.
I haven't spoken to the boy since I was 17, and little does he know—wherever he is out there—he just might have given me the greatest gift on Earth before packing up his vintage Astro Van and trekking all the way from rural East Texas back to the Alaskan frontier. (There was a rumor he broke down in Canada along that voyage, so maybe he's Canadian now, aye?)
Anyway, I bequeath unto you that same gift (because pay it forward, right?): the cure to hiccups.
Now, you have to follow the directions TO A TEE for this to work. If you do that, hiccups no mas. I swear it. By the old gods and the new.
Step numero uno (1): You need a partner. Choose someone with whom it isn't awkward standing within 6 inches of personal space. Someone with good breath is a plus, but not always available in a pinch.
Step two: Pour a tall glass of still, room temp water. (If you have cold water it won't work as well, just trust me. Remember: TO A TEE.)
Step three: While holding the glass of water in one hand, have said partner plug your ears while YOU plug your nose with your free hand.
Step four: Close your eyes.
Step five (and quite possibly the step where it all goes horribly wrong): Take fourteen (14) small, consecutive sips of water WITHOUT breathing IN OR OUT through your mouth, WITHOUT breathing IN OR OUT from your plugged nose, WITHOUT burping internally OR externally (the internal burping part is hard for most people to overcome).
You should emerge gasping for air. This is the only way the hiccups are truly cured. If you're not fighting for air then you might require more than 14 sips of water (go for 20, perhaps). Some of you are marathon runners out there. Must be nice.
Someone once told me that hiccups are created when one's heartbeat and breathing get out of sync. I have no idea if that's true or not, but one thing is for certain—your heart will be beating hard when you come up from sipping and take that first big gasp for air.
And there you have it! Let me know if you try it and it works! (If it doesn't work for you I don't wanna know. I am right and you are wrong. *wink*)
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Until next time...